Governor Walter D. Miller at his statue location on Capital and Highland.
Governor Walter D. Miller statue located on Capital and Highland.
Governor Harlan J. Bushfield statue on Pierre St. & Sioux Ave.
Governor Harlan J. Bushfield statue on Pierre St. & Sioux Ave.
First National Bank, First Savings Bank, and Capital Card Services present check to board members for $68,000+ for Governor Frank Farrar statue.
Governor Arthur C. Mellette statue
Trail of Governors Foundation President Rick Jensen explains the project.
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard was a special speaker during the Trail of Governors project announcement on August 1, 2011.
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard (center) and former governors Mike Rounds (left) and Walter D. Miller (right) admire the clay miniature of Governor Arthur Mellette.
South Dakota’s first governor, Arthur Mellette, will also be the first sculpture as part of the Trail of Governors project.
Artist John Lopez stands near his clay miniature of Governor Arthur Mellette.
Profile of Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Profile of Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Profile of Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
A likeness of former South Dakota Governor Walter D. Miller will don a cowboy hat and clutch his family’s branding iron, according to Trail of Governors Foundation officials.
Profile of Governor Walter D. Miller sculpture.
Steve Beck of Beck Motors presents a $17,000 check for the Governor Michael Rounds statue which will be completed in 2014 to Stephanie Judson of the South Dakota Community Foundation.